Monday, October 22, 2012

Its Funny..

I've been telling myself for a long time that perhaps I should start a blog.  I've always found it cathartic to write my thoughts down, get them out in black (or pink, or whatever color) and white.  Often times, if I were having a bad day, or couldn't get my feelings straight, it was a terrific way for me to explain and organize what might be going through my mind and heart.

This week I have been thinking about it a lot.  I had whole paragraphs thought out in my head.  Cute anecdotes to share, all to find a way to tell you  about me.   Yet, when I finally got here, and set up this blog.  (Or re-set it up because apparently I had started one back in 2008 that had no posts on it LOL)  And suddenly all those wonderful paragraphs of words flew from my head and I sat here for a while staring at this page wondering just what I wanted to write about.  Not only that, but I second guessed myself.  Who was going to want to read it anyway?  I mean really, what is so interesting about me that people are going to care what I write? ...  Then I took a few more moments and realized.  It really doesn't matter.  I'm not writing this blog particularly for anyone to read it, but for myself more than anything.  To tell my stories of my life.  Interesting?  Probably not too much =)  but that's OK.  And if somewhere along the way, someone can relate and feel not so alone in what they are going through?  Bonus!

So, a little about me.  I'm a 45 year old, single mom of 4 amazing kids.  I am a student majoring in Multimedia Design and Development, and I have a multitude of illnesses that make my head spin... LOL Sometimes literally.. that I am sure I will talk about at a later date  ( probably later this week!)    To be perfectly honest, I'm never great at talking about myself, just giving the facts.   I don't really think that "just the facts, ma'am"  truly lets you gauge the personality of a person, who they are, what they think.. or what they feel.  So I guess what I am really doing here is inviting you in.  Have a seat,  cup of coffee.. and get to know me and my little world.  Who knows?  You might like it here. 

Til later times,


Unknown said...

hey cuz, i think this is an awesome idea because every one needs to get there feelings out one way or another.. for those of you reading this. i have been engaged to a wonderful man for the last ten years. We have 8 children (6 living) between the two of us. we Burried or 5 year old in 2006 and our 17 year old in 2008. We have a beautiful grandduaghter that has multiple disablities. she has cerbral palsey and is legally bling and legally deaf. some days i dont think we will ever catch a break. enough about me.

Dawn said...

=) thanks Lisa! I'm hoping it helps even if i just post the nonsensical thoughts that randomly pop into my brain.. and you guys have been through hell and back. you are one strong lady, cuz. Love you all bunches!